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Eligibility conditions for applications

Our AgceAppCenter service plans:


If you liked a customizable Digital Activity Station template, go to  on a  eligibility formula  of our groups, Workshops and projects and it will help you to succeed in your professional retraining in self-employment, to develop your business project with the support of consultant engineers. And even without having to write a personal or professional project yourself; you just need to click to customize. Contact us .


Subscribe and we will create everything and equip your business platform with the services and products of the Beloved Niche model to help you start your professional project with safety and ease.



For promoters of non-profit associations, foundations and smaller groups,  community initiative groups or those who wish to form a team to develop a social economic cause of common interest or simply act in their neighborhood, arrondissement, department and region, discover job plans to personalize to help you get started

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AGCE Group Advisor

Develop your job, recruit more young people in your sustainable socio-economic activity and earn multiple rewards

Connect all payments

Our unique platform will allow you to link all of your data across all your sales channels and stores across Cameroon.

Projects as the driving force behind your actions

Use data from proposed projects to make informed decisions about the location of your new stores, to price your products and services, and more.

Build customer loyalty

Recognize customers at checkout, deliver more personalized experiences and simplify loyalty programs for your consumers and employees.

Niches enrichie comme produit
Enriched niche used as a personalized product to remunerate your individual and corporate campaigns! 

Pour identifier et partager des produits de marque d'une niche, vous pouvez suivre les étapes suivantes:

1. Créez un compte sur la plateforme de l'organisation AGCE, qui propose des produits de marque dans une niche spécifique. Assurez-vous de compléter toutes les informations nécessaires pour connecter votre profil à la marque numérique et enrichie.

2. Explorez les produits et services disponibles sur la plateforme, et identifiez ceux qui correspondent le mieux à votre public cible et à vos centres d'intérêt. Assurez-vous de bien comprendre les caractéristiques et avantages de chaque produit pour pouvoir les présenter de manière convaincante.

3. Partagez ces produits de marque sur vos réseaux sociauxen utilisant du contenu attractif et engageant. Vous pouvez rédiger des publications, créer des visuels ou des vidéos pour mettre en valeur les produits et inciter vos followers à en savoir plus.

4. Engagez votre audience en expliquant les bénéfices et les avantages des produits de marque, et encouragez-les à visiter la plateforme pour en savoir plus ou effectuer un achat.

5. Suivez les performances de vos visiteurs, sur votre tableau de bord sur la plateforme, les statistiques, les articles commandés et payés.

6. Encaissez vos gains, sur votre compte bancaire ou en espèce.

Comment démarrer l'activité professionnelle? Réalisez un rêve.


(L'équipe AGCE est là pour vous aider à identifier les marques de niche dans le domaine numérique et à vous guider dans la promotion de ces produits sur les réseaux sociaux après avoir personnalisé le produit aimé et sélectionné avec vos données et contacts)


Si vous êtes intéressé par la promotion de niches de marché ou de produits en ligne, assurez-vous de choisir des niches de partenaires affiliées sur la plateformes, elles sont réputées fiables et sécurisées. Trouvez des avis d'utilisateurs sur le forum de la communauté AGCE. Regardez la vidéo ici.


1. Identifiez la niche que vous souhaitez promouvoir. Par exemple, s'il s'agit d'une niche de produits de beauté naturels, déterminez quels types de produits sont populaires dans cette catégorie.

2. Recherchez les marques les plus populaires dans cette nicheUtilisez des outils de recherche en ligne, consultez des magazines spécialisés, des blogs et des forums pour découvrir les marques les plus innovantes et prisées dans votre niche.

3. Contactez les marques pour leur proposer une collaboration. Envoyez-leur un email ou un message sur les réseaux sociaux en expliquant votre projet et la valeur que vous apportez en tant qu'influenceur/promoteur de produits.


4. Créez du contenu attrayant pour partager les produits de marque de la nichePubliez des photos, des vidéos ou des articles mettant en valeur ces produits et expliquant leurs avantages et leur utilité pour votre public cible.


5. Utilisez des hashtags pertinents pour augmenter la visibilité de votre contenu et attirer l'attention des personnes intéressées par cette niche. Commencez

Nous vous recommandons

Socio- economic activity,  digital culture, training workshop and professional coaching 

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Eco-digital guide

Digital Affiliate For Sellers And Self Employed. Premium and Platinum Plus Rewards Plan. (Artificial Economic and Social Intelligence)


5 strategies to build your business and achieve your first. 

Particular teaching guide, keys, to build, carry out an activity of Post office and touch your first millions on Internet. This is the replica of the Video teaching that comes with the book.

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Evaluation report of the activities of your association.

The Guide presents a qualitative analysis  of the Association's practices. It leads you step by step in your associative universe and provides you with tools to support the development of your association year after year. 

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21 tips to attract ...

Technical guide, which teaches how to develop your workstation or your business with  few resources thanks to  professional digital economy


Relationship campaign, how does it work?

The Guide will help you to effectively reach your objectives by targets, to teach you to your targets and to retain them with their need for an education, service and product simple techniques of working on the Internet. 


Resources to develop your digital business

The presentations the Journal offers you provide online subscribers with tools and support  communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, materials and much more ...


10 Tips for organizing

Guide to organize your working time at home. All famous marketers have understood how to organize their time before embarking on their home or travel business ... 


Modeling of 100 Media Cafés Workshops in 10 Regions

The Guide helps you understand social action and adapt your professional campaigns to make significant changes in communities in your arrondissement, department and / or region. 


Program of activities of the AGCE organization

This Program is comprehensive and presents the concept of combating poverty and the means of working in solidarity with disadvantaged young people to reduce  lack of employment and inefficiency  in their human and social development, thanks to digital technology 

Your Niche is a market device linked or affiliated with a group of AGCE, to subscribe people to your account and communicate on your brands, it is a  service / product provided to you with personalized visuals to satisfy your visitors. Read more.

Savoir plus sur une niche

Social service, service  family , moral education, training workshop, life coaching and spirituality


The Power of the True Secret to Good Reconciliation - VOLUME 1

This Guide is written on the basis of a teaching which makes it possible to understand the force of the principle of pivot being used for all "Man" to come out of the fate of the failure to the success, it delivers the Key to break the wall of the cycle material losses in private and professional life ...


Alliances with Spirits (How do you know you are in and out of an alliance?)

Learn how to quickly and effectively identify what type of spirit you have sworn your allegiance to, and how to bond closely with the One True God and His Son Jesus Christ provides eternal life and assured good progress in all things.


Marriage: All the secrets to finding the right partner and keeping him forever

The difficulty of having a good spouse and keeping him forever in these times, is what brings the author  to produce this Guide, he gives you a demonstration on a good way to find the desired being and demonstrates it with simple words

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The Power of the True Secret to Good Reconciliation - VOLUME 2

This Guide provides excellent progress tools for everyone using meditation and cultivating the human mind. It is written on the basis of a teaching serving as a pivotal force to get "Man" out of procrastination to lead him to success, it serves to break a cyclical wall ... 


Dreams, Visions, Dreams and Prophecies (Their, Origin and Importance)

Guide to help people decipher the thought or understand the walk of his dream, demystify the mystique that is said of the activities of the human mind. The average dream of breaking free from ordinary time and space. 


You can get rich with the benefits of the blessing from my book

Using the knowledge of this book will well help you to cultivate the mind of the positive things of the visible and invisible world around us and in which we are unconditionally part with the true knowledge about the condition of the existing forces in the universe ...


Prayer And His Power (How and why to Pray to God?)

Is it not written: `` My eyes will be opened and my ears attentive to the prayer of him who calls on me to this place ... '' (Proverbs 15:29). In this manual, the author Professor JACOB (Josué SAMPA), presents a beautiful process leading to   make a request to God ...

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Spiritual Deliverance (Myth or Reality),

Appropriate knowledge loosens bad karma, curse, repetitive spellings and separations. Erase all traces of the Law of bad luck that causes suffering in the human ranks so that those who hope progress ...


Baptism in Jesus Christ

Baptism being an essential ordinance for our salvation. The Guide shows, as Latter-day Saints say, to be sanctified they believe, is that one must be baptized by immersion for the remission of sins, according to the testimony acquired from this Guide, the disciples of Jesus and the revelations that the Lord gave in his last days are proof.

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